Michael Bleher
Physics, Maths, and Science.

Mathematikon 02/232
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg
Hi, I’m a Postdoc based at the Institute for Mathematics, Heidelberg University, and associated with STRUCTURES and the ERC Grant Perpetuating Stemness.
I obtained a PhD in Mathematical Physics on connections between topologically twisted supersymmetric field theories, Floer theories, and knot homologies under the supervision of Johannes Walcher.
Currently I’m investigating applications of geometry and topology in biology, with the ultimate goal of extracting dynamical information from single cell RNA velocity data during cell differentiation. This research is part of the Applied Analysis and Modelling in Biosciences group of Anna Marciniak-Czochra and developed in collaboration with Anna Wienhard at the MPI MiS.
In general, I’m fascinated by the unreasonable effectiveness of abstract mathematics in the natural sciences and vice versa. I’m always happy to chat about new examples and am looking forward to seeing Wigner being proven right again and again.
A much more difficult and confusing situation would arise if we could, some day, establish a theory of the phenomena of consciousness, or of biology, which would be as coherent and convincing as our present theories of the inanimate world. – Eugene Wigner
Jan 3, 2025 | New preprint: Adiabatic Solutions of the Haydys-Witten Equations and Symplectic Khovanov Homology! This is a slightly modified version of the final chapter of my PhD thesis, uploaded as an independent document for easier reference. |
Dec 19, 2024 | New preprint: A family of instanton-invariants for four-manifolds and their relation to Khovanov homology! This is a slightly modified version of the background chapter of my PhD thesis, uploaded as an independent document for easier reference. |
Dec 1, 2024 | Will be talking about my view on Persistence and Coarse-Graining in Dynamical Biological Systems at the MPI for molecular cell biology and genomics, Dec 12, Dresden. |
Aug 30, 2024 | This has been a fun little diversion: My Academic Family |
Jul 15, 2024 | Happy to be accepted for a contributed talk about our TDA work on the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 at the 4th workshop on Computational Persistence, Sep 23 to Sep 27, TU Graz. |